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Taking off


I have been thinking a lot lately about what we are launching into. Sometimes I am full of awe and wonder that God would call me; other times I am excited about the opportunity to serve God full-time, communicating what He is doing in all of the world. Very seldom have I been afraid of what I am doing. This period of time though has had its struggles and challenges, but overwhelmingly my focus has been on God and what He has called me to.

This period of time is simply a runway. A runway is a place where the preparations that have been going on quietly for some time before are put on full display. A runway is not the final action, however. The runway's only job is to transition an airplane from where it "lives" on the ground to what it was designed to do, to fly. It's the same for us as we transition from our home and our lives as we have created them to what God has designed us for: to serve him in everything that we are and to share that with the world.

The process of being on the runway carries its own perspective. The runway is a platform for the proving of everything that God has put into us over the past months, years, and even decades. It is an exercise in faith. An exercise in which there is a definitive point of commitment, a point of no return. Right now, I feel like I am in the middle of the runway of launching into what God has called me to do. There are already parts and pieces that are past the point of no return: the tickets have been booked (non-refundable), our house is on the market, Cheri has given notice at her job... but to me the point of No Return is once I am seated, ready for take-off. Until then, every step is a step of faith, keeping my eyes fixed on God and his promises, unwavering in commitment.

What has God designed you for? How many runways have you been down? Are there runways for multiple stages of life? Does God give us multiple shots to take off? All of these are questions that I still don't know the answers for. It will be exciting to see what journey God takes me through. What more does God want to do in my life that I am still unaware of? Hopefully, God will allow me to share the entire journey to give hope and encouragement to anyone who needs it.

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